Custom Installation:
Step 1. Unzip this package into your web-server root directory (anywhere will do).
Step 2. Create a database within MySQL for Lip-DB's exclusive use.
Step 3. Create a MySQL user for Lip-DB. It needs the following permissions: CREATE, ALTER, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT. Of course, it needs to be able to access the database that you created in step 2.
Step 4. Run the MySQL setup script. This can be found in the db-scripts directory. To do this, enter MySQL and use the appropriate database. Use the "source" command to run the script.
Step 5. Make the following adjustments to application/config-inc.php:
SITE_URL | Change this to the full URL to Lip-DB |
DB_USER | Change this to the Lip-DB MySQL user name from step 3. |
DB_PASSWORD | Change this to the password for that user |
DB_NAME | Change this to the database you created for Lip-DB |
DB_PRODUCTION | Make this the same as DB_NAME |
Lip-DB should now be available at the address where you placed it in step 1. Now go to the Getting Started page for tips on how to get started with Lip-DB.