Getting Started

Once you have installed Lip-DB, you should be able to see it in your browser by going to the URL which leads to the Lip-DB installation directory. Unless you have configured Lip-DB to point to an existing database, there won't be any tables there for Lip-DB to display at this point.

The menu performs the following:
Home:Displays all tables in the database
Search:Perform a search on a specific table
Browse:Browse all records in a table
Add Record:Add a record to a table
Table Information:Display information about a table's columns and associations
Add Column:Add a column to a table
Add Table:Add a table to the database
Users:Management of users and their passwords.
About:Displays the version number and configuration details.

To get started, use "Add Table", then "Add Columns" to create a place for your data, then use "Add Record" to start inserting the data. After you have some data, you can use the "Search" and "Browse" functions. "Table Information" is advanced, and it is recommended that only users familiar with database design attempt to use this function.

New users can be added with the "Users" menu. The "Add User" option allows new users to be added. There are two user roles, "Admin" and "Regular". The "Admin" role allows all functions to be accessed, but the "Regular" role is restricted to data editing and access only. "Regular" users cannot change tables or manage users. Please note that the password is encrypted in such a way that it cannot ever be decrypted again if it is lost. In this case, please choose the "Browse Users" option and select "Edit" against the appropriate user. Enter a new password as shown.

Getting started with an existing database/spreadsheet:

There is no direct importing function yet, but in the meantime the following method can be used to import data:

Step 1. Using the "Add Table" and "Add Column" functions in Lip-DB, create tables which match the data in your database/spreadsheet.

Step 2. Save the data from your existing database/spreadsheet as a CSV file. If there are several tables, or several different groups of data, then use a separate CSV file for each table/group.

Step 3. Use the MySQL import function to import the CSV files into the MySQL database.

If these steps are successful, you should now be able to see your data in Lip-DB.